I was in character; Etty Bedi apologises for admitting to smoking weed

Her comments quickly sparked mixed reactions online, with some questioning her actions and others speculating that it was a publicity stunt.

In a recent interview on Hitz FM on August 21, Etty clarified that her comments were misunderstood and that she never anticipated such a negative response. “I want to sincerely apologise; I’m very sorry. This was a mistake, and I never expected things to turn out this way,” Etty said during the interview.

The actress also shared that the public’s backlash, particularly from close friends, caused her significant emotional pain. “I woke up to harsh messages from my very close friends, and I was confused about what was happening. I thought they knew me better. It’s not just the public’s misinterpretation that hurts, but the reaction from those close to me.”

Etty expressed her disappointment at the lack of support from those she expected to stand by her. “It’s disheartening when people you expect to support you instead choose to criticize you. My good friends insulted me, questioning why I did what I did and calling me ‘stupid.’ Imagine if you were my friend, and suddenly something like this happened, and you started sending me negative messages. It’s a tough situation to be in,” she added.

Etty’s apology and explanation have provided some clarity on the incident. She hopes to move past the controversy and rebuild trust with her fans and close friends.

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