I make up to GHS7000 per month – Okada rider reveals he earns more than a banker

The rider explained that his impressive earnings are achieved by diligently saving GHS200 daily from his income.

The conservation about who earn more in Ghana has been a topic for discussion recently, when informer sector workers claim to earn more than formal sect workers.

According to Philip, his job in the UK pays better than what many bankers earn in Ghana.

“Ghana’s economy is so bad right now and I think if you have the funds, travel. I prefer to be in the UK than in Ghana. Currently, in Ghana, there is ‘dumsor’ and the cost of transportation is high, but here the money I get is ten times what I get back home. Now, I’m working as a cleaner, and I can confidently say that it pays better than what many bankers earn in Ghana,” Philip stated.

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