I am the key to your dreams – Bawumia tells GenZs


In a bold move to connect with the younger generation, the Vice President and flagbearer for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Bawumia, has affirmed his commitment to ensuring Ghanaian youth prosper.

According to him, his government would create opportunities and ensure decent-paying jobs for the youth and appealed to them to consider the manifesto the party has presented.

“To the GenZs, I am well-planned and in tune with the new world you belong to. And I know the keys to press to unlock your potentials within. I am your plan to your dreams of a prosperous Ghana. I am your plan to creating opportunities and decent-paying jobs. I shall offer you problem-solving leadership based on my values of integrity, compassion, and sincerity. To this end, I have presented for your consideration our manifesto for the 2024 elections.”

He also indicated that his government would prioritise and implement key initiatives, including digital transformation, infrastructure development, and job creation, to enhance the quality of life for Ghanaians.

He further said that his government would drive the country towards prosperity and ensure a better future for coming generations.

Indeed, we have listed them to show that we remain committed to fulfilling the social contract we have with the good people of Ghana. Above all, this exercise confirms that hundreds of pledges have been made to the Ghanaian people, and broadly, they have been kept. Given the opportunity, more impactful and forward-looking interventions will be implemented to move Ghana to the next level of the development journey; a journey that will build on our successes to open opportunities for all,’ he said.

Dr Bawumia further called on Ghanaians to trust in his leadership and give him the opportunity to deliver on his promises.

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