How Ministers, Business Moguls Raised Millions for Inzu Ya Masaba Radio, TV Station

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By Weswa Ronnie




The Bamasaba on Umukuka III HRH Jude Mike Mudoma’s first coronation anniversary held early this month at Mt Elgon Hotel in Mbale City made contributions towards the establishment of a radio station for the cultural institution.


The coronation dinner attracted over 500 Bamasaba from all walks of life among whom was Brig Charles Oluka, the Director General of Uganda’s Internal Security Organization (ISO) who contributed Shs3m through his deputy Col Emmy Katabazi, while the Deputy himself gave Shs 2m.


The chairman of the African Kings Council of Africa and King of the Volta people of Ghana His Majesty Fiti V contributed USD1000 approximately 3.7 million Ugandan shillings.


Youth Minister Balaam Barugahare paid 2,000,000 cash while Sironko Woman MP and State Minister for Karamoja, Hon Nambozo Florence gave Shs 2m


Dr Paul Mwambu who is a minister in Inzu ya Masaba and also a commissioner in the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry pledged Shs2m.


Hon Mutanje, a minister in Inzu Ya Masaba and former political assistant to the late Speaker of the Uganda Parliament, James Wapakhabulo gave Shs5m.


Hon Dr. Wambaka Kosea, a minister in Inzu Yamasaba and consultant on Government projects pledged Shs10m, while the management of the Chinese Industrial Park in Mbale gave Shs1m.


Hon Werikhe, the Member of Parliament Bubulo West County who is also Inzu Ya Masaba pledged Shs1m.


Hajji Suleiman Lumolo, a businessman and also long-time NRM funder and chairman of NRM Sironko District paid Shs1M, whereas Manafwa District Local Government through their Finance Secretary Hon Willy Wandeka pledged Shs1m.


Hon Vincent Woboya former Member of Parliament and Inzu ya Masaba minister for disaster pledged Shs1m, while Mr. Wamulugwa John of Generous Trading Stores pledged 500,000 shs.


Ritah Namuwenge, the Emyooga National Coordinator and City Woman MP Aspirant Mbale City, paid Shs500,000 cash.


Mr Mudebo of Cryptocurrency pledged Shs200,000, Mr Dickson of Capital Trading Company gave Shs1m


Mr Emmanuel Situma Bungoma County Speaker 100k Kenyan shillings, Hon Meru Patrick pledged Shs100,000 while Mr Wojega and Family pledged Shs1M.


Counsel Shibale Richard pledged Shs100,0000 and Mr Kamoti Wasungui, the LCV chairman Bududa contributed Shs100k towards the establishment of the radio station of Bamasaba.


Additionally, the Ibanda University representative contributed 2m shs, Mr Balayo of Sironko Town Council contributed Shs200,000 and Hon Khalayi Lydia co aspiring woman MP Namisindwa District pledged  Shs500,000.


Other contributions came from the Kenyan Bamasaba approximately over 2m as per the Kenyan style of collections which is usually done in groups and paid on the spot.


Contributions from Kenya came from Phillip Wanyonyi, Agnes Wache, Dr Bifwoli, Metrine, and Bungoma county speaker among others


The mini fundraising in total raised over Shs50,000,00 and the radio station is calculated to cost over 500,000,000 which creates room for further contributions.


The leadership of Inzu Ya Masaba therefore urged Bamasaba to consider this as a serious cause and contribute even electronically.


The leaders say they will soon share the right details on how to contribute electronically from the Bamasaba people in Uganda and beyond to ensure that the institution has both a television and radio station for the Bamasaba people.

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