Horror! Man Beheads Girl Friend In Katwe, Angry Mob Takes Action

20 05 2022 10 37 50 4818388

By Our Reporter

Police in Kampala have initiated an investigation into a double murder that occurred in Jjuuko Zone, Makindye Division. Yesterday morning, a man identified only as an angry mob lynched Kkonde after he beheaded his 19-year-old girlfriend, Sharon Rukundo.

According to Patrick Onyango, spokesperson for the Kampala Metropolitan Police, Kkonde and Rukundo had been in a relationship for about two years and shared a child. Onyango revealed that the couple had recently experienced significant conflicts, leading Rukundo to leave their shared residence and move in with her aunt in Makindye.

Rukundo had begun working at her aunt’s restaurant, where the tragic incident occurred. Reports indicate that Kkonde arrived at the restaurant this morning armed with a machete and attacked Rukundo, resulting in her death.

After the attack, Kkonde attempted to escape but was captured and lynched by the mob. The police were notified and have since transported the bodies to Mulago City Mortuary for postmortem examinations as the investigation into this double murder continues.

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