‘Hilarious’ Tyla pulls pregnancy prank on her mom (Video)

Tyla 4


Tyla 4

Tyla pranks her mother

South African pop sensation Tyla recently had fans in stitches after pulling an epic prank on her mom during an interview with the international fashion giant, Elle Magazine.

As the magazine’s latest cover star, Tyla was being interviewed when she decided to call her mom and prank her with some big news—she was “pregnant.”

The reaction? Pure joy! Tyla’s mom was over the moon, claiming she had a premonition that her daughter was going to have a baby soon.

However, when Tyla quickly revealed it was all a joke, her mom wasn’t swayed. Instead, she doubled down, insisting that her premonition still stands.

It looks like Tyla’s mom is eagerly waiting to become a grandmother!

The lighthearted moment gave fans a glimpse into Tyla’s playful relationship with her family.

Watch the video below:

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