He was misguided – A Plus on Asamoah Gyan’s political withdrawal


Entertainment commentator and musician, Kwame Obeng Asare, widely known as A Plus, has reacted to former Black Stars captain, Asamoah Gyan‘s withdrawal from politics.

A Plus pointed out that while Gyan is celebrated as one of Ghana’s greatest footballers, his political journey faced challenges due to inadequate management. He suggested that with expert political advice, Gyan might have avoided public criticism and achieved greater success.

In an interview with 3FM, A Plus advised Gyan to learn from his political experiences to enhance his future efforts.

“You can be influential, wealthy, and have many resources, but management is crucial. Asamoah Gyan is a remarkable footballer, not just in Ghana but across Africa, and he didn’t receive the right advice. We’ve experienced similar situations and understood these dynamics. I believe this experience should guide his next steps,” he stated.

A Plus also mentioned, “Politically, I’m on a different level than Gyan. I’ve accomplished a lot. Since 1998, when I released my first song, my focus has always been on doing what is right.

In a recent development, Gyan announced his withdrawal from political affiliations, opting to concentrate on humanitarian work and youth development.

Previously, he held a role within the New Patriotic Party (NPP) as chairman of the Youth and Sports Manifesto sub-committee for Mahamudu Bawumia’s presidential campaign. Gyan made his decision public in a statement on social media, expressing regret over not focusing enough on youth initiatives.

In his message, Gyan called for peaceful elections on 7 December and reaffirmed his commitment to non-political ventures.

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