‘He dreams about me’ – Mahama reacts to Akufo-Addo calling his name instead of Bawumia


Former President John Dramani Mahama has commented on a recent verbal slip by President Akufo-Addo, which has garnered significant attention. At a public event, the President inadvertently referred to Mahama instead of Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, a mistake that has generated discussion, especially as it coincided with a similar error by Bernard Antwi Boasiako, also known as Chairman Wontumi, the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Mahama seized the moment to imply that these verbal slips could be inadvertent endorsements from his political rivals. He urged voters to take note of these signals as the general elections on 7 December draw near. “We can read their minds from what they are thinking and what they are dreaming about. The time has come for us to take our destiny into our own hands,” he added, encouraging his supporters.

Mahama alleged that Dr Opoku Prempeh was responsible for allocating 4 billion cedis from the Daakye Bond while serving as Education Minister. He condemned the lack of progress on projects that were purportedly funded by this bond, many of which remain incomplete. “This person who is the running mate for Dr Bawumia was the Minister of Education and he brought a bond to Parliament called the Daakye Bond. It has led to the collateralisation of the GETFund so this year, total receipt from the GETFund should amount to about 7 billion cedis. About 4 billion of that was taken in the Daakye bond by NAPO and his Ministry of Education,” Mahama said.

He continued, “Tell me what was that money used for? The project that they said they were coming to fast-track and finish is still standing there unfinished so how did they apply that money? And so people have questions to answer.”

Mahama emphasised that, if elected, he would ensure thorough audits are conducted and that those found guilty of misusing or misappropriating public funds would be held accountable. He further remarked that Dr Bawumia, the NPP flagbearer, “has his cross to carry,” and that his running mate should not defend him by asserting that he is incorruptible.

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