Guru reveals strange items removed from his body after juju attack on stage

“One day, I received a call from a pastor who told me directly that I was under a juju attack. Another pastor informed me that I had been spiritually shot. Since then, I endured consistent stomach pains for eight months,” Guru said.

He described a specific incident during a stage performance when he suddenly went mute and stiff while performing his hit song “Bonsam Ani.”

“There was this instance where I went on stage to perform. I performed a couple of songs until ‘Bonsam Ani’ dropped, and immediately I couldn’t speak again. Suddenly I went mute. I became stiff and the DJ also stopped the song, thinking I wanted to interact with the fans. I left the stage, and nothing was working. I was just gone,” he recounted.

“Whenever I went to the hospital, they found nothing. I was exhausted from the search and decided to consult a herbalist, who eventually removed metals, wood, hooks, and cowrie shells from different parts of my body,” he said.

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