Grief as hundreds bid farewell to mother of Radio Sapientia Managing Director – The Kampala Report


Grief enveloped St. Paul’s Parish Church in Mukono on August 13, 2024, as hundreds gathered to bid a heartfelt farewell to Omumbejja Vicencia Namaalwa Mabuzi, who lived to the age of 61. The atmosphere was heavy with sorrow as friends, family, and community members came together to celebrate her life and legacy.

In his moving homily, Rt. Rev. Bishop Christopher Kakooza, the ordinary of Lugazi Diocese, shared poignant reflections on love and loss. He emphasized that through God’s love, we were blessed with Omumbejja Vincencia, and that love is now what guides her back to the Creator. The Bishop’s words resonated deeply with the mourners, bringing comfort amid their pain.

Bishop Kakooza also expressed gratitude to the more than 50 priests who attended the Mass, showing their love and support for Fr. Joseph Lubula, who is mourning the loss of his mother. Fr. Lubula, who is the Managing Director of Radio Sapientia, which was founded by the Uganda Episcopal Conference, thanked everyone who stood by the family during this challenging time, recognizing that such kindness could never be underestimated.


Mr. George Stephen Mabuzi, her widower, shared fond memories of their life. He recounted how they first met on May 1, 1980, and how, two months later, he proposed to her. He spoke of a letter she wrote him—a letter he has cherished for over forty years—which he had intended to read to her on their golden jubilee. Unfortunately, that moment will never come to pass. Reflecting on their journey, Mr. Mabuzi noted how instrumental his wife was in their early years, encouraging him to return to Mukono, where they could work the land, growing crops that would nourish their family.


Omumbejja Vicencia is survived by her loving widower, Mr. George Stephen Mabuzi, and their twelve children, each of whom carries forward the legacy of love and strength she instilled in them.

After the requiem Mass, the late Omumbejja was laid to rest at Namaliri, Kigulu Kabimbiri Parish in Lugazi Diocese, surrounded by family and friends who will forever hold her memory in their hearts. As the community mourns, they celebrate a life well-lived and a love that transcends even the greatest of losses.

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