Gravity Omutujju’s Family Accuses Him of Forgetting His Late Father!

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A video has emerged on social media showing a group of people claiming to be relatives of Gravity Omutujju.

In the video, a self-proclaimed aunt of Gravity accused him of selfishness and neglect, claiming he has forgotten about them and his deceased father.

The woman claimed that the rapper has failed to construct a permanent house in the village and has also neglected to renovate his father’s burial site, which doesn’t sit well with the relatives.

“He has forgotten about us. He even refused to build a small house for himself in this village. That’s his father, but he refused to renovate the grave. He should stop being so selfish. We are helpless here, yet we hear he has money,” the self-proclaimed aunt is heard saying in the video.

Our efforts to get Gravity’s comment on the issue did not yield results by press time.

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