Gravity Omutujju vents on Balaam, tiny Logogo crowd

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The concert on Saturday night coincided with three other major shows, one a stone’s throw away at the Zoe Grounds and two others, at the Kampala Sheraton and Jahazi Pier in Munyonyo.

Taking to the stage a few minutes to midnight, Gravity stared down in disbelief at the tiny crowd that barely surrounded the massive stage.

Right off the mark, a mechanical fault added salt to the injury as the microphones went off for several minutes, distorting his intro, which featured a fireworks display, a traditional dance troupe and an energetic acrobatics performance.

When the issue was finally fixed, Gravity kicked off the show with a few of his hit songs, but later on, stopped to vent on the showrunner Balaam Barugarara for giving him faulty equipment.

Balaam can no longer manage sound; he is just destroying people’s careers,” he said.

How do you bring this sound when you have been paid Shs. 50 million?

The singer and rapper complained about the sound being shaky and his stage monitors being completely down.

“I don’t support any other singer using Balaam’s equipment, I should be the last,” he ranted.

“These machines should be used at their (political) rallies but never again at concerts.”

After a few more songs, Gravity turned his anger on the crowd which was not as animated as he wanted.

“The were other shows but you decided to come here, so you better get dancing,” he said.

Your colleagues went elsewhere and are having fun there.”

Regarding the crowd size, Gravity said he was unfazed, adding that his competitors would never get to his level.

“They might gloat about this ground not being full but they will never beat me,” he said.

“I told the that if I get ten people they will get four. I will remain remain Omutujju.

Gravity was referring to Mikie Wine, Bobi Wine’s brother who had a much better turn up at Jhazi Pier.

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