Gravity Omutujju speaks out on Lugogo convert flop

This was just a bad day,” he said.

“You can have a good business and one day things don’t go well… a big football team can also lose a match. I got a few people compared to my other concerts, but that happens to all people. Anyone can make a loss.”

The concert at Lugogo Cricket Oval last Friday, was attended by a few hundred people.

Adding to his misery, was the faulty sound which worsened as he stepped on stage around midnight.

But at the press conference today, Gravity vowed to pick himself up and prove his calibre to Ugandans.

He promised to have another concert next year at the same venue.

“I am going back to Lugogo. I am to try again,” he said.

Gravity had earlier in a post-show interview vowed to take a break from concerts.

Regarding the contrast in numbers with singer Mickie Wine who had a parallel show at Jahazi Pier on the same night, Gravity said he believed his crowd was bigger.

“The people who were at Lugogo were not so many but if you take them to Jahazi, they might shut it down. That is according to me,” he said.

“This is a big venue; you cannot compare it to Jahazi. And if you are out there as an artist celebrating my loss you need to realise that I have filled up Lugogo five times. You need to ask yourself how many concerts you have done at Lugogo.

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