Gravity Omutujju Predicts Mike Wine’s Concert Will Flop

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Rapper Gravity Omutujju and Mike Wine are both staging their concerts on September 7th this year.

Gravity’s show will take place at Lugogo Cricket Oval, while Mike Wine’s concert is set for Jahazi Pier, Munyonyo, in Kampala.

Speaking about Mike Wine’s concert, Gravity Omutujju expressed confidence that it would flop. He explained that Mike Wine has no recent music and, therefore, no reason to attract fans.

“Mike Wine’s show is going to flop. He has no music and has been out of the industry for years. This isn’t about sympathy; it’s about music. No one would want to go where there’s no entertainment,” he said while addressing journalists on Wednesday.

Gravity Omutujju believes his show will be successful because he has an extensive catalog of hit music.

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