Gravity Omutujju is a frustrated man – Minister Balaam

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Over the weekend, while performing at his own concert, Gravity Omutujju publicly attacked Minister Balaam.

Gravity claimed that Balaam provided him with a faulty sound system and warned artists not to work with Balaam again for sound-related matters.

However, the Minister for Youths said his sound system was fine, and that Gravity was just frustrated by the low turnout.

He explained that the rapper had approximately four hundred attendees, including sound providers, and the team managing the sound decided to reduce it for the sake of the surrounding area.

“He was just a frustrated man. The sound was okay, but he was looking for someone to blame for the low turnout. My people reduced the sound because he had only about four hundred people, and they chose not to make too much noise for the surrounding area because those inside could hear everything,” he said in part.

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