Grace Wilson Igaga Mutekanga, Makerere University Anthem composer, dies

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His anthem embodies Makerere University’s motto, “We Build for the Future,” using his musical talents to inspire generations of students to seek truth, remember their Alma Mater, and lead impactful lives.

A funeral service to celebrate his life was held at St. Francis Chapel on Thursday, August 22.

Born on June 29, 1940, in Bubula, Kamuli, Busoga, Grace was the son of Daudi Kintu Mutekanga and Erina Babyale Mutekanga.

He pursued his early education at Naminage Primary School and Mwiri Primary School before attending Busoga College Mwiri for his O-levels and Makerere College School for his A-levels.

His passion for music led him to Makerere University and later to Heidelberg University in Ohio, USA, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Music. Further studies took him to Northwestern University in Illinois, USA.

Throughout his career, Mutekanga held various positions in education, including roles as a lecturer in the Department of Music, Dance, and Drama at Makerere University and as Principal at multiple teachers’ colleges across Uganda.

He was also actively involved in teacher education reform, co-authoring a proposal that led to the introduction of the Grade V Diploma Programme for Primary Teachers in Uganda.

Grace Wilson Igaga Mutekanga’s impact on Uganda’s educational and cultural landscape was profound. He composed the Makerere University Anthem and numerous other songs, served as the Chief Examiner for Music with the East African Examinations Council, and contributed to the public service in various capacities. In recognition of his contributions, Makerere University honoured him during its 90th Anniversary Grand Finale in 2013, where he received a standing ovation.

Mutekanga was a man who valued laughter, happiness, and family. He shared his life with his wife, Frances Katusabe Mutekanga, and was a father to ten children, including Basalirwa Frida, Mutekanga Andrew, Igaga Isaac, Igaga Yonah, Mutekanga Erina, Bakibinga Jacob, Igaga Amos, Namutebi Irene, Igaga Matthews, and Ibembe Patrick.

He also had numerous grandchildren who were a source of joy in his life.

After retiring in 2003, Mutekanga focused on community development initiatives in Bufumba, Kamuli, and remained actively involved in the Church of Uganda. His love for music, reading, films, and gardening were constants throughout his life.

Grace Wilson Igaga Mutekanga’s legacy as a composer, educator, and community leader will continue to inspire and shape the lives of many for years to come.

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