Govt receives additional 900,000 doses of Foot and Mouth Disease vaccine

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) has received an additional 900,000 doses of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine from Egypt, which will be distributed to 27 districts in the cattle corridor.

The vaccines aim to increase vaccination coverage to 80 per cent of the susceptible animal population in districts that previously received vaccines under phase two.

Minister of State for Animal Industry, Lt Col (Rtd) Bright Rwamirama, handed over the vaccines to District Veterinary Officers (DVOs) and Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) at the National Animal Disease Diagnostics and Epidemiology Centre in Entebbe on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. He stated that FMD will soon be eradicated, with more vaccine deliveries expected in two weeks, totaling one million doses.

‘’FMD vaccine doses are distributed in phases for easy follow-up. We, therefore, expect more deliveries of vaccines in two weeks’ time and that will be equivalent to one million doses,” he said.

Mr Rwamirama emphasised the importance of regulating vaccine distribution to ensure proper use and accountability. He also appealed to farmers to vaccinate all cattle to eliminate the disease in the next few months.

“We have more than 3 million doses in our stores, but we want to regulate the distribution to make sure that it is done properly, and the DVOs account for every dose they take. We are conscious of the cold chain facilities in the districts and their capacity to hold them.”

Dr Peter Wanyama, Assistant Commissioner of Veterinary Diagnostics and Epidemiology, thanked the Ministry for prioritizing vaccine procurement and commended DVOs for their efforts in the vaccination exercise.

Dr Anna Rose Ademun, Commissioner of Animal Health at MAAIF, highlighted the impact of FMD on accessing international markets and urged farmers to support the vaccination exercise.

The districts that received the vaccine include Budaka, Mityana, Butambala, Iganga, Butaleja, Bukomansimbi, and Mpigi, among others.

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