Gov’t Gives Population Census Gadgets to Parish Chiefs for PDM

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By Weswa Ronnie




As a way to improve on the current Parish Development Model Program, government has decided to give gadgets used during the recently concluded National Population Census to parish chiefs.


Parish chiefs have been demanding for gadgets from government to ease their work of data entering.


This was revealed by Gulooba Lwanga, the PDM Financial Inclusion Pillar Management Officer at the Ministry of Finance while speaking to the media on Saturday, 7th September, 2024 in Mbale City.


He revealed that the government has agreed to give those gadgets to the parish chiefs starting October, 2024.


He says that the government is serious about the PDM program because it wants people to move from poverty to money economy.


George Wanakina, the Mbale district PDM focal person expressed his happiness with the plan saying this is going to improve the performance of PDM at parish levels.


He says that some parish chiefs have been borrowing laptops while others were hiring expensively for purposes of entering data of beneficiaries saying those iPads will help them so much.


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