Govt Announces Changes In Passport Application & Collection

kenyans receiving their passports at nyayo house on may 13 2024

By Our Correspondent

The Directorate of Immigration Services of Kenya on Sunday, July 28, announced that Kenyans would no longer be asked to book appointments for passport collection.

According to the Directorate, this was one of the ways the Kenyan government had simplified the process of passport delivery.

“Applicants are no longer required to book for appointment to collect passports,” it was announced.

According to the statement, this move was arrived at due to multiple requests from Kenyans with the Directorate promising to continue listening and being open to all emerging issues.

With many Kenyans complaining of being frustrated at different immigration offices across the country, the Directorate launched a new team to handle the complaints.

As such, any frustration or complaints should be raised through the Immigration Department’s social channels where it will be handled promptly.

“We have a dedicated team to expeditiously address issues raised from all social media platforms,” a statement from the Directorate read in part.

At the same time, President William Ruto announced that Kenyans would be receiving passports within one week after making an application.

President William Ruto speaking after a Sunday service in Mwatate, Taita Taveta County explained that the move was to ensure more Kenyans got an opportunity to travel abroad for work.

‘I have now ensured that anyone who wants to work abroad will get a passport within a week,” Ruto remarked adding that 1,000 Kenyans were departing the country every week for job opportunities abroad.

In May 2024, the Ministry of Interior announced that Kenya had the capacity to print 10,000 passports every day against a demand of 5,000 passports.

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