Geoffrey Lutaaya Faridah Nakazibwe dating rumours


“We encourage our friends who use the internet to do so responsibly because we do enjoy the content you create. But some people have started using social media irresponsibly,” said the Kakuuto County MP. “People are creating photo collages of me with Faridah Nakazibwe.”

Lutaaya admitted he initially dismissed the photos as harmless social media jokes but became concerned when the rumours persisted, sparking debates. “There should be limits to these jokes,” said the Akyaali Mboko singer, adding that both he and Nakazibwe have families who are receiving calls from worried friends and relatives.

“Some people don’t realise it’s a joke and call us for clarification, putting us in a position where we have to defend ourselves,” he explained. Lutaaya also emphasised that he, his wife Irene, and Nakazibwe are public figures, and such baseless rumours could damage their reputations.

He warned that he might be forced to take action if the rumours continue. Geoffrey Lutaaya and Irene Namatovu have been married for a decade and have five children together. Faridah Nakazibwe, who recently welcomed a baby boy, also has two daughters.

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