GACL warns passengers after smoking luggage detected at Kotoka Airport


The luggage was in the baggage wrap area, prompting immediate action from the Operations Room of the Aviation Security Department.

“The security team swiftly isolated the bag, and passengers in the terminal were evacuated as per the Ghana Airports Company Limited’s (GACL) Emergency Operations procedures,” the statement said.

The management also stated the passenger whose luggage nearly caused a fire outbreak at the airport has been handed over to the National Investigations Bureau(NIB).

The GACL further cautioned passengers to avoid travelling with batteries as it contravene with regulations.

“Passengers are advised not to travel with batteries, as this is against International Civil Aviation Regulations. Any detection of batteries or any other prohibited items or substances in luggage, will be confiscated and the passenger handed over to the authorities for processing,” the statement cautioned.

The management assured passengers of their continued commitment to safety and security, emphasising that all necessary measures will be taken to prevent future incidents and ensure a safe travel experience for everyone.

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