FULL LIST! ACME shortlists finalists for 10th edition of Uganda National Journalism Awards – The Kampala Report



The African Centre for Media Excellence (ACME) has unveiled the shortlist of finalists for the 10th Annual Uganda National Journalism Awards.

The Uganda National Journalism Awards are the country’s premier celebration of journalistic excellence. The awards inspire journalists to push boundaries, tackle critical issues, and drive positive change.

Dr George Lugalambi, ACME’s Executive Director, underscores the awards’ significance: “For a decade, these awards have recognised the extraordinary work of journalists in informing, educating, and engaging the public. They affirm the vital role of the media in our evolving world.”

A new era of competition

This year’s competition marked a significant departure from previous editions. Instead of assessing individual entries, the awards were judged by a journalist’s overall body of work and its impact. Journalists submitted at least three and up to five pieces per category to demonstrate their thematic expertise and consistent quality within their chosen field.

While this new approach elevated the bar for excellence, it also presented challenges. Approximately half of the participating journalists did not fully adapt to the new criteria, continuing to submit single entries rather than the required body of work.

Insights from the judges

A distinguished panel of 14 experienced media professionals rigorously assessed the submissions.

For the judges, a consistently high standard across multiple news events or topics within a chosen area is essential for exceptional journalism. Demonstrating a sustained focus on a particular subject matter is a key factor in determining the award winners. Therefore, they encourage next year’s participants to carefully read the rules and guidelines to ensure their submissions align with the criteria.

The judges were particularly impressed by the efforts of those journalists who adhered to the new requirement to submit a body of work. They hope that this trend will continue and expand in the coming year.

The judges also commended the media organisations that submitted entries in the institutional categories, which highlighted innovative approaches to newsgathering, storytelling, and audience engagement.  The judges hope that in the future, media organisations of all sizes in Uganda will use this competition as an opportunity to showcase their outstanding work. By participating, these organisations can highlight their achievements, share their innovative practices, and set benchmarks for quality journalism. This will serve as a valuable resource for others to learn about successful strategies and maintain a record of best practices in the field.

Key statistics

  • Total number of participating journalists: 154
  • Female participants: 36% (up from 27% in 2023)
  • Media type representation: 57% – Print; 17% – Radio; 17% – Television; 9% – Online news sites and podcasts
  • Regional distribution: Kampala – 59%; Northern region – 23%; Western region – 6%; Eastern region – 3%; Central region – 9%

The gala

The finalists will be honoured at a gala event on Wednesday 31 July at Mestil Hotel in Kampala. ACME congratulates all finalists and commends all participating journalists for their dedication to impactful journalism in Uganda.

Uganda National Journalism Awards 2024 shortlist

Agriculture reporting

  • Henry Okurut, UBC Television
  • Joshua Kato, New Vision
  • Martin Amayiko, Radio Simba

Business, economy and finance reporting

  • Ismail Musa Ladu, Daily Monitor
  • Ronah Nahabwe, Smart24 TV
  • Ronald Musoke, The Independent

Community reporting

  • Barbara Nalweyiso, Daily Monitor
  • Dan Ayebare, Solutions Now Africa
  • Hafiz Bakhit, Vision Group

Education reporting

  • Damali Mukhaye, Daily Monitor
  • Dorothy Nagitta, Daily Monitor
  • Ivan S. Tolit, 102 Mega FM

Energy and natural resources reporting

  • Hakim Wampamba, NBS Television
  • John Odyek, New Vision
  • John Okot, Freelance journalist

Environment reporting

  • Daniel Wandera, Daily Monitor
  • Michael Wambi, Uganda Radio Network
  • Simon Chris Makanga, Agatha Nambuya and Brian Alvin Mugerwa, Athari Media Support Africa

Health reporting

  • Rhonet Atwiine, Solutions Now Africa
  • Samuel Ssebuliba, Spark TV
  • Walter Mwesigye, NTV Uganda

Justice, law and order reporting

  • Christopher P. Kayonga, Daily Monitor
  • Ibrahim Ruhweza, New Vision
  • Simon Masaba, New Vision

Political reporting

  • Jamila Mulindwa, Yiga Julius Bakabaage and Nelson Babyale, NBS Television
  • Mary Karugaba and Henry Ssekanjako, New Vision
  • Umaru Kashaka, New Vision

Public accountability reporting

  • Charles Etukuri, New Vision
  • Daniel Lutaaya, News 24/7
  • Esther Oluka, Daily Monitor
  • Jacobs Seaman Odongo, Daily Monitor

Public works and infrastructure reporting

  • Julius Barigaba, The EastAfrican

Religion reporting

  • Eddy Olwa, UBC Television
  • Hasifu Ssekiwunga, BBS Terefayina
  • Joyce Ritah Nakato, NTV Uganda

Science and technology reporting

  • Paul Murungi, Daily Monitor

Sports reporting

  • Joseph Batte, New Vision
  • Olivia Nakatte, New Vision

Traditions and culture reporting

  • Benjamin Jumbe, NTV Uganda
  • Julius Odeke, New Vision
  • Stellah Nandawula, BBS Terefayina

Urbanisation and human settlements reporting

  • Raziah Athman, Urban TV
  • Scovia Culton Nakamya and Devis Muhumuza, BBS Terefayina

Institutional awards – Digital Innovation; Newsroom and Editorial transformation

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