Former President Idi Amin’s Son On The Spot Over Land Grabbing

Taban Amin1

By Our Reporter



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Mrs. Natalie Opoka (L) receiving back her land from the State House Anti-Corruption Unit on 14th Aug, 2024

Taban Amin, son to former Ugandan President, Iddi Amin Dada is being investigated by State House Anti-Corruption Unit on allegations of land grabbing in Kiryandongo district.


This follows several complaints from residents on land grabbing in the district against Taban Amin.


On Thursday, 14th August, 2024, the State House Anti-Corruption Unit boss, Brig Gen Henry Isoke, Ms Barungi Phiona-Senior Presidential Assistant on Special Duties accompanied the Minister of State for Lands, Hon Dr Sam Mayanja and district leaders of Kiryandongo on a Baraza at Panyandoli in Kiryandongo.


Residents have alleged that Taban Amin has been using impunity and threatening violence to grab land in the district.


One of the complaints was from the family of Mr. Opika Opoka, a former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Lands whose titled land on Ranch No. 3 had been grabbed and occupied by agents of Taban Amin.


“Following a joint intervention, this land was formally handed back to his wife Mrs. Natalie Opoka on behalf of the family,” says a statement from the State House Anti-Corruption Unit.


State House Anti-Corruption Unit has deployed a team of officers to further investigate the allegations of land grabbing, threatening violence, intimidating of the wanainchi and undermining the rule of law with the aim of bringing Taban Amin to account for the alleged crimes.


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