Fare thee well Akiiki Leon Mpaka…Till we meet again! – The Kampala Report

Tribute by Fr Dr Samel Mugisa Amooti

Around noon on August 1, 2024, the sad news came in that Leon Mpaka Akiiki had died!

Grief and sadness enveloped me as I thought about our fallen sister!!

There is a lot to say about Leon Akiiki. She is a friend, a midwife, a mother, a grandmother, a religious teacher, a strict parent, a dedicated Christian leader, a soldier of integrity.

Akiiki’s own life helped me understand the devotional side of the Legion of Mary (see Chapter V of the Legion of Mary Handbook).

By virtue of her loyalty, virtue, and courage, I understood the purpose of the Legion of Mary:

“The glory of God seen in the holiness of its parts”

The late, Leon Mpaka Akiiki
The late, Leon Mpaka Akiiki

Only possible that:

  • One must not turn from “toil and hardship” (2 Cor 11:27)
  • Must finish the race (2 Tim 4:7)

Her apostolate as a legionary and lay Christian leader centered on the maxim:

  • “If Mary were but known!”
  • Mary is not enough known or loved
  • ⁠Devotion to her is low and thin and poor; hence Jesus is not loved; heretics are not converted; the Church is not exalted; souls wither and dwindle; sacraments are not rightly frequented; or souls enthusiastically evangelized; Jesus is obscured because Mary is kept in the background; withheld from them.
  • ⁠Since Mary always points to Jesus (Jn 2:5); devotion to her enhances faith in God.
  • ⁠The need to bring Mary to the World became her undertaking together with other Legionaries as a means of winning the world to Jesus.
  • ⁠Together with M/s Resty Bacwa & other Legionaries, Akiiki Leone took on the task of translating the Legion of Mary Handbook which we now have in the Runyoro-Rutooro language.
  • ⁠In bid to strengthening the Legion of Mary system, Leon Akiiki started different Praesidia; facilitated Legion of Mary functions as: Congresses, Acies, meetings and retreats.
  • ⁠She has been presenting on Jubilee Radio “Bikira Maria Omuzaire” program every Saturday evening.

Akiiki Leon, has been a mother to many of us. Since my first encounter with her in 2011, she has been a prayer companion and I will always cherish her motherly counsel.

My last message from her was on 11 July 2024:

“Amooti mwaana wange ntaaha kubi ebiro kuruga ontwekera your farewell ms to Germany. I was real sick of the treatment special Radio therapy pray for me that I complete this week. I shall be remaining & one i v Chem therepy”

I later called her and we talked at length and she asked me to give her a blessing.

Little did I know that this was going to be my last conversation with her!

Akiiki, you have left a gap in our hearts but we shall always cherish your love and your witness of life.

May the Lord comfort us and your dear immediate family and all friends and relatives who mourn your departure.

May your Soul Rest in peace.

Tribute by Fr Dr Samel Mugisa Amooti

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