Expose children to hard work, Brig Gen Kulayigye tells parents

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Brigadier General Felix Kuluyigye, the spokesperson for the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), emphasised the importance of hard work and responsibility in children during a pass-out ceremony at Kyabugimbi secondary school in Bushenyi District on Friday.

“If you want your children to be responsible, put some weight on their shoulders… When a child is wrong, correct him or her,” Gen. Kuluyigye advised parents, warning against the influence of “Western evil practices” on Ugandan society.

He also encouraged the 650 students who underwent a week-long patriotism training to use their skills for the good of their country, emphasizing discipline, compassion, and patriotism.

Ms Madinah Zalwango, principal officer at the National Patriotism secretariat, highlighted the initiative’s goals: “to make young people competitive in the world” and “to make informed discussions with a common ideology.”

Other speakers, including MsĀ Annet Katusiime Mugisha, Woman Member of Parliament for Bushenyi District, and Mr Robert Atuhierwe, Bushenyi District Chairman, stressed the importance of patriotism, responsibility, and good governance.

The head teacher, Mr. Alex Musinguzi, expressed hope that the patriotism training would instil discipline and responsibility in the students.

The ceremony marked the culmination of a week-long patriotism training program, aimed at shaping young minds and fostering a sense of national pride and responsibility.

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