ENTEBBE: Lake Victoria School Holds Mini -Marathon to Mark 100years of Existence

UPPC boss Joseph Opio Okurut flagging off marathoners

By Sadique Bamwita



Some of the marathoners preparing to run
Some of the marathoners preparing to run

As part of the celebrations to mark 100 years of existence, on Sunday September 8, 2024, a number of alumni and well-wishers took part in the marathon organized by management of Lake Victoria school.


The participants took part in 5km and 10km raceS respectively. They were flagged off at Lake Victoria school playgrounds by the Deputy managing Director Uganda Printing and publishing Corporation (UPPC), Mr. Joseph Opio Okurut who was the Chief runner.


While flagging off the marathoners, Mr. Joseph Opio Okurut said that the school being a historical one, management of Uganda Printing and Publishing Corporation thought it prudent to partner with the school in its preparation to celebrate its 100 years of existence.


“We know what it means by 100 years of existence. As Uganda Printing and Publishing Corporation, we are committed to community engagement and uplifting communities. As a school you hold the future of Uganda,” he said.


Okurut said they want to be part of the journey of building generations and also be part of community development.


“We want to reach out to everyone. I thank management of the school for choosing to partner with us, “Mr. Opio Okurut expressed his gratitude.’


Mr. Stephen Nabende, the headteacher Lake Victoria school, revealed that as the school prepares to celebrate 100 years of existence on September 21, 2024, management has organized a series of activities including tree planting, legal clinic, medical camp and a mini -marathon. He added that the Queen of Buganda, Sylvia Nabagereka Naginda who is an alumni will be the Chief Guest on September 21, 2024 as the school marks it’s centennial.


He called upon all the alumni and well wishers to turn up in big numbers as the school celebrates 100 years since inception.


Meanwhile, some of the notable alumni of Lake Victoria school include the Queen of Buganda Kingdom Nabagereka Nagginda, Julia Sebutinde (Vice President of the International Criminal Court), Dr. David Byatiike Matovu (former MP, Entebbe Municipality), Rosemary Tumusiime (former MP, Entebbe Municipality),  Charles Kiberu Kisirizza (leader in Buganda Kingdom), Vickman Proscovia Nanyonjo, Ronald Kafeero (Speaker, Entebbe Division A), John Barenzi (Academia), Hillary Kimbugwe (Academia and sports), among others.

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