Entebbe Airport sets new international passengers record

Luggya attributed the record-breaking numbers to Uganda’s peak tourism season, particularly drawing thousands of European and American visitors who flock to the country for summer holidays.

Entebbe International Airport handled the highest number of passengers ever recorded in a single month in August 2024,” Luggya posted. The surge in travelers highlights the increasing global interest in Uganda’s tourism sector, with its rich wildlife, stunning landscapes, and cultural experiences proving to be key attractions.

This achievement surpasses the previous record of 198,961 passengers set in December 2023, which saw an average of 6,418 passengers per day. Notably, July 2024 recorded the third-highest monthly traffic, with 195,909 passengers passing through the airport, demonstrating the sustained growth in international travel to and from Uganda.

The month of August 2023 now ranks fourth in terms of passenger volume, with a total of 191,507 passengers, an average of 6,177 per day. These figures underline the consistent growth trajectory of Entebbe International Airport as it continues to handle increased traffic, especially during peak tourism periods.

In addition to passenger traffic, Entebbe Airport also handled significant cargo volumes. A total of 5,410 metric tonnes of cargo passed through the airport in August 2024, comprising 3,525 metric tonnes of exports and 1,885 metric tonnes of imports.

This highlights the airport’s crucial role in facilitating both passenger and cargo transport, reinforcing its status as a key gateway for Uganda’s international trade and tourism industries.

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