Elijah Kitaka speaks out on his outlandish outfits

Often I work with other designers and we try to blend and mix this and that together to get the result that you see.”

The talented singer was ricking a white t-shirt with loose, light blue denim jeans with a deconstructed design, giving them a rugged and distressed look.

The oversized jeans also featured visible frayed hems and a section of hanging denim, adding to the overall grunge aesthetic.

Kitaka has also become popular for his knee-length straight-cut shorts, which have now been named after him in some social media circles.

Some Ugandans don’t see the appeal in Kitaka’s style.

Pastor Martin Ssempa recently went viral when he went on a tirade, attacking Kikaka for promoting same sex behaviour with his outfits.

He is teaching young me to wear underwear in public. What is that?” charged the man of God

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