Ekyoto Ha Mpango: Revellers offered transport to Fort Portal

Key highlights of the experience include visits to some of Uganda’s most spectacular attractions, such as the Sempaya hot springs, crater lakes, royal palace tours, and chimpanzee trekking in Kibaale. Attendees will also get a chance to visit the famous Amabeere Ga Nyinamwiru caves and enjoy a fashion gala that combines traditional and contemporary designs. Moreover, various sporting activities like golf, basketball, and netball will be part of the fun-filled event.

“We are excited to partner with Talent Africa Group to provide this incredible opportunity for everyone to explore Uganda’s tourism gems while enjoying the festivities,” said James, a spokesperson from the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities. He emphasized that this initiative will not only elevate the festival experience but also highlight the importance of tourism in boosting Uganda’s economy.

The Ekyoto Ha Mpango Festival offers a unique opportunity to experience the rich culture, music, and traditions of the Tooro Kingdom while promoting Uganda’s tourism. With such a diverse lineup of activities and entertainment, the festival is expected to attract both local and international visitors.

Tickets for the festival are available for purchase through or by dialing *165*98#. This initiative is powered by several sponsors, including MTN MOMO, Pilsner Lager, Movit, and Nyaika Hotel, among others.

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