DIRTY: Katakwi LC5 Chairman’s Rival Pays Shs5,000 Condolence On His Behalf

LCV Chairman Katakwi district Omollo e1724057292653

By Our Reporter




As the political landscape heats up ahead of 2026 General elections, some political actors have devised dubious means of character assassinating their opponents.


This happened in Aleles Village, Aleles Parish, Akoboi Sub County, during a recent burial where the LC5, Geoffrey Omolo’s rival’s agent ‘attended’ on his behalf and offered the bereaved family a condolence message of Sh. 5,000 eliciting negative responses from mourners and Social Media critics.

However, Omolo later cleared the air at Aleles CoU over the weekend saying he never sent anyone to represent him at the burial. He said the move was only intended to destroy his political career and leadership.


Omolo claims he was taken aback when a bereaved family member contacted to inform him of the humiliating sh. 5000 condolences.


He clarified, meanwhile, that he was not aware of any funeral at Aleles and that, on the burial day, he was attending his exams at UCU Mbale University.

Omolo denied the accusation, characterizing it as the work of opposing political agents who had shifted from pushing their politicians’ goals to becoming money-minded brokers.

He advised agents to steer clear of politics of betrayal and instead advance love and peace.


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