Degrading the Environment: A Recipe for Disaster in Uganda

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The minister of state in the office of the Vice President, Diana Mustasingwa  has warned against  environmental degradation that she said has disastrous effects.

Mutasingwa made the remarks while delivering food relief from the office of the Prime Minister to the people of Buikwe district who were affected bystorms

The Office of the Prime Minister on Wednesday handed over relief items to the affected families.

Speaking during the handover ceremony,  the Njeru Municipality Mayor Kyazze Yasin commended the minister’s quick response to the affected people because the municipality could not afford to rescue the people due to its meager resources.

Minister Mutasingwa called upon the residents of Buikwe to protect the environment to avoid such unfortunate calamities.

She implored district leaders to support the vulnerable people affected by the storm and sensitize the masses about the risks of deforestation and encroaching in wetlands.

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