Death toll from Kiteezi garbage collapse reaches 21 – The Kampala Report



The Uganda Police confirmed the retrieval of 21 bodies from the collapsed landfill in Kiteezi, Kampala on Sunday evening, as rescue operations continue. The operations are being carried out by the Uganda Police, the Ministry of Works, the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), and the Red Cross.

Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, Patrick Onyango, announced that the bodies have been taken to Mulago City Mortuary.

The identified victims include Nasser, Nuwary Kironde, Sam Kajubi, Meddy Mubiru, Shamon Muhammed, Halima Nakalume, Mulikedete Phiona, a 3-month-old baby of Mukadete, Kasule James, Mukose Emmanuel, Grace (daughter of Anne Maria), Brenda Kawuki, Sharon (housemaid to Brenda), Kikambi Tiful, Jessa Nantege, Nalubega Easter, Whitney Nabulya (3 years old), Kawesa, Lwere Ronald (20 years), Kiyemba, and Kiyemba’s wife.

President Yoweri Museveni addressed the tragedy on his X account (formerly Twitter), directing the State House Comptroller to provide financial assistance to the families of the deceased, offering five million Shillings per person, and one million Shillings to those injured.

He emphasized that this support is separate from any potential government compensation that might be issued if any government agency is found responsible for the incident. The investigation into the cause of the collapse is being led by the Deputy Inspector General of Government, Anne Muhairwe.

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