Daniella Atim cleans up her Instagram amid Chameleone’s hopeful message


This came after Bebe Cool playfully reminded Chameleone of the time he mocked him over his brief separation from his wife, Zuena Kirema, back in 2009.

“When my wife left, Joseph [Chameleone’s real name is Joseph Mayanja) laughed at me a lot,” said Bebe Cool, before noting that life is so interesting that we all go through similar experiences, referencing his friend, who is also separated from his wife, Daniella Atim.

“My wife came back. I had to work hard for her to return,” Cool continued, before praising Chameleone for handling his own issues with maturity.

“I like the way you’re handling your situation. A man keeps quiet, and maybe the rest of the people will learn something from it.”

Chameleone added, “No situation is permanent.”

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