DANGEROUS! Kaberamaido Hospital Admin Arrested For Allegedly Aiding Son Get Lab Job With Forged Papers

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By Our Reporter




The Kaberamaido Hospital Administrator has been arrested over suspicion that he could have helped his son get a job within the Hospital using forged academic papers.


Joseph Esiru was picked by the police on Monday, 5th August, 2024 and detained at Kaberamaido Police station.


Esiru is the biological father to Gerald Erayu who was arrested on 24th July, 2024 for allegedly using forged academic papers to secure a job at the hospital as a laboratory technician.


His arrest followed an investigation by the Inspectorate of Government and a letter from the Resident District Commissioner, Lotem Lions Tumkori, directing the Chief Administrative Officer to hand over Erayu to the police.


According to the District Police Commander, SP David Otabong, Erayu was wanted but had been hiding until his arrest on 24th July. He was however released on police bond pending further investigation.


The case against Erayu began when a whistleblower wrote to the Inspector General of Government, alleging that Erayu had used forged documents to procure his job. An investigation revealed discrepancies in Erayu’s academic transcripts, certificate of registration, and annual practicing license.


The Chief Administrative Officer, Ddamba Henry, subsequently interdicted Erayu, citing doubts about his qualifications and the potential risk to public health. Erayu has been charged with forgery under General Enquiry file GEF 07/2024.


To further aide investigation, Otabong confirmed that several administrators were arrested including Eboku Damiano, District Service Chairperson; Ochen Peter, Principal Human Resources Manager who also doubles as the secretary to the District Service Commission, and Atim Jerry, Lab Technologist. The trio and the prime suspect however were given a police bond.


The investigation according to Otabong is being aided by Allied Health professionals to ascertain Erayu’s academic qualifications to determine whether he met the necessary qualifications and requirements for the position.


The police are also exploring possible collusion among administrators in facilitating his recruitment.  Erayu was recruited in Feb 2022.

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