CULPABLE! KCCA Was Aware of Impending Disaster at Kiteezi Landfill

Kiteezi Landfill disaster

By Our Reporter




An Internal Memo from the Director of Public Health and Environment on 2nd July, 2024 and addressed to the KCCA Executive Director shows that the City Authority was alerted of an impending disaster at Kiteezi Landfill.

KCCA MEMO e1723628703412

In the Memo, the Director of Public Health and Environment, warned that cracks and waste movement had been observed at the Landfill 0n June 28th 2024.


The Director further warned that the Landfill had been used beyond capacity which led to the formation of Waste Cliffs and unstable slopes.


“This poses both waste management efficiency and community safety,” warned the Director of Public Health and Environment in the Memo.


Besides the Waste Cliffs and unstable slopes, the Drainage Channel also got blocked causing leeching flooding in the neighborhood.


Barely, a month later, disaster struck and the Kiteezi Landfill descended on the surrounding community on Saturday, 10th August, 2024 killing over 23 persons.


Following the disaster, Government is moving to decommission the Kiteezi landfill citing the pressing need to prevent any further loss of life or environmental damage.

The Minister of State for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Hon. Lillian Aber made this revelation while presenting a statement to the House chaired by Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa on Tuesday, 13 August 2024.


The Kiteezi landfill in Kasangati Town Council, Wakiso District has been the primary waste disposal site for Kampala since 1997 receiving 2,500 tonnes of waste daily.


“The tragic events have underscored the critical vulnerabilities in our waste management system. As a result, the government has decided to fast-track the decommissioning of the Kiteezi landfill,” she said adding that, ‘a 200-meter buffer zone around the landfill has been preserved and that authorities are flattening the garbage hill to stabilize the area as operations are phased out.


She added that the government is actively pursuing alternative sites for waste disposal.

“We have identified potential sites in Menvu, Nansana and Busumamura in Kira Municipality,” Aber added

These sites, she noted, are expected to replace Kiteezi and help mitigate the impending waste crisis in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA).

The minister revealed that they are looking at adopting modern waste management practices.

“Our focus is on implementing incineration and recycling methods to ensure that waste disposal is sustainable and environmentally friendly. We are committed to transforming how we manage waste in Uganda to prevent such tragedies in the future,” Aber said.

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