CSOs petition parliament over rejection of Alcohol Control Bill

A coalition of Civil Society Organizations has petitioned the Speaker of Parliament, Ms. Anita Among, challenging Parliament’s decision to reject the Alcohol Control Bill, 2023, which sought to regulate the sale, purchase, and consumption of alcohol in Uganda.

Parliament’s decision came after the presentation of a report from the Committees on Trade and Health by Hon. Sylvia Nayebare during a plenary sitting chaired by Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. The private member’s bill, first introduced by Tororo District Woman Representative Hon. Sarah Opendi in November 2023, also aimed to regulate the times and premises where alcohol could be sold in Uganda.

Speaking to journalists in Kampala about the petition, Ms Suzan Namarome, Chief Commissioner of the Uganda Girl Guide Association, expressed disappointment, saying the rejection of the bill undermines the efforts of civil society organizations, given the far-reaching negative effects of alcohol on Ugandan society.

“We have seen children drop out of school because their parents are consumed by alcohol. Others are living on the streets because of domestic violence fueled by drunkenness,” Ms Namarome said.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol consumption contributed to approximately 2.6 million deaths globally in 2019. Of these, 1.6 million were caused by non-communicable diseases, 700,000 from injuries, and 300,000 from communicable diseases. The latest 2023 WHO report also ranked Uganda first in alcohol consumption on the African continent. On average, men consume 19.93 liters of pure alcohol annually compared to 4.88 liters for women.

In Uganda, an estimated 17,000 people die each year due to alcohol-related complications.

Prof Nazarius Tumwesigye from Makerere University School of Public Health noted that significant evidence supporting the bill had been presented, but Parliament disregarded it.

“We developed the Uganda Alcohol Policy based on evidence, but without legislation, it will not be effective,” Prof Tumwesigye said. “There are claims that voters will reject MPs who support the bill, but our evidence shows that the public strongly backs this legislation.”

During Tuesday’s plenary, the Committee report argued that passing the bill in its current form would impose a financial burden on the Consolidated Fund. The committee further recommended that the government focus on curbing the illicit alcohol trade, which accounts for 65% of all alcohol consumed in the country while criticizing the bill for failing to address this issue adequately.

Mr Chris Kwezira, Executive Director of the Uganda Non-Communicable Disease Alliance, questioned the manner in which the bill was hurriedly placed on the order paper, expressing concern over the transparency of the process.

“We watched Parliament with disbelief,” Mr Kwezira said. “To imagine that our entire Parliament would claim we don’t need a law to regulate alcohol—do we prioritize economics over health? Should we let Uganda continue leading Africa in alcohol consumption without any checks?”

According to the 2023 World Health Report, harmful alcohol use is a significant factor in over 200 diseases and injuries.

Dr David Kalema, a WHO consultant on alcohol issues in Uganda, emphasized that without comprehensive legislation governing the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol—including restrictions on access to minors—Uganda remains vulnerable to the risks associated with uncontrolled alcohol use.

Ms Juliet Namukasa, Chairperson of the Uganda Alcohol Policy Alliance, voiced similar concerns, saying, “As civil society, we speak not only for ourselves but for the many Ugandans calling for health and prosperity. We need to tackle the issues that are damaging our country.”

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