CPP’s Nana Frimpomaa pledges GH₵20k in state enterprise shares for every Ghanaian



Flagbearer of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), Nana Frimpomaa Sarpong Kumankuma, has outlined her plan to focus on human capital investment as a cornerstone of Ghana’s development.

Every Ghanaian will be allocated GH₵20,000 in shares. This isn’t money to pocket but rather an entitlement to businesses, state farms, and enterprises,” she explained.

In an interview earlier on Monday, 23 September 2024, on JoyNews, she added that this scheme would be implemented through the local government system to ensure everyone receives their share from their local authorities.

In a previous engagement, Nana Frimpomaa announced her ambitious goal to raise $20 billion in her first year as president if elected. She believes this financial injection will significantly benefit Ghanaian youth by providing access to capital and job opportunities.

She stressed the importance of prioritising the youth, who have long been neglected. She aims to address their challenges and ensure they have access to financial resources and meaningful employment.

“I will raise $20 billion annually and ensure every Ghanaian youth has access to $1,000. I quote this amount in dollars because, under my administration, there will be no need to quote in foreign currency as the Ghanaian economy will stabilise, and prices will remain consistent,” she elaborated.

Nana Frimpomaa pledged to eliminate street hawking and similar activities within a decade, expressing her desire for a future where no young person has to carry goods on their head to earn a living. She clarified that the $20 billion she plans to raise will come from innovative business strategies rather than borrowing, drawing on her lifelong experience as an entrepreneur to generate revenue for Ghana.

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