Court sentences 4 notorious ‘car snatchers’ to 120 years’ imprisonment

“When they snatch the car, they hand it over to one of the accused persons, Kwabena Kyei Baffour, who then sells the car in Accra,” ASP Ofori explained during the court proceedings, as quoted by

The case first appeared before the court in February 2023, with all four men charged with conspiracy to commit robbery, a serious offence under Ghanaian law. After a thorough investigation and trial, the court, presided over by His Worship Frederick Obikyere, convicted the men on three separate counts of robbery and imposed the severe sentences.

The sentencing has been lauded as a significant step in the fight against violent crime in the region. The police prosecutor expressed hope that this verdict would serve as a strong deterrent to others contemplating similar criminal activities.

Kwabena Appiah, a victim of the gang’s violent spree, expressed relief and satisfaction with the court’s decision. Recounting his harrowing experience, Mr Appiah told JoyNews that he was attacked at gunpoint upon his return home from work, with the robbers threatening to kill him if he did not surrender his car.

“After the attack, I immediately filed a report with the police, who launched an investigation that ultimately led to their arrest and conviction. I am pleased with the justice served,” Appiah remarked, praising the judicial process that brought his assailants to justice.

The sentencing of these four individuals marks a critical moment in the ongoing efforts to curb violent crime in Kumasi and beyond, sending a clear message that such lawlessness will not go unpunished.

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