Court halts the hearing of corruption charges against MPs Namujju, Mutembuli and Akamba

IMG 6623

The Anti-Corruption Court has temporarily suspended the trial of Lwengo District Woman MP, Cissy Namujju, Busiki County MP Paul Akamba, and Bunyole East County legislator Yusuf Mutembuli. 

The decision follows an application by Akamba’s lawyer, Jude Byamukama, citing rights violations. The MPs are accused of soliciting bribes from Mariam Wangadya, the chairperson of the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC).

Justice Lawrence Gidudu ruled that it will first consider an application filed by Akamba, who seeks to have the charges against him dismissed.

Through his lawyer, Jude Byamukama, Akamba avers that his human rights were violated before, during, and after his re-arrest. Akamba was rearrested on July 14, shortly after he was released by the court.

He claims that he was detained in an ungazetted place and later charged with six others, including MPs Michael Mawanda and Mudimi Wamakuyu, Trade Permanent Secretary Geraldine Ssali Busuulwa, Ministry of Trade official Leonard Kavundira, and Lawyer Julius Kirya Taitankonko, who are equally still on remand.

Since the Attorney General is the respondent in the matter, Gidudu directed that he be served and set August 23 as the date for hearing the application.

Earlier this month, the Chairperson of Uganda Human Rights Commission, Mariam Wangadya told court that Mutembuli told her that all Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) give MPs a 5% budget cut before their budgets are passed. This was amidst pleas to have the commission’s budget increased.

The prosecution alleges that while at Hotel African on May 13, 2024, the three solicited a bribe from Wangadya, to enhance the commission’s 2024/25 budget. The group would take 20% of the enhanced budget.

The trio pleaded not guilty and were subsequently remanded to Luzira Prison. Their arrest followed President Yoweri Museveni’s remarks revealing that there is a racket of people in the ministry of finance and parliament taking bribes to approve the budgets of various government agencies.

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