Company boss remanded over failing to remit more than Shs260m to NSSF

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The director of Al Bayan Media Limited has been charged and remanded to Luzira Prison over allegedly failing to pay more than Shs260million for his staff contribution to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).

On Tuesday, Aggrey Mugisha appeared before Buganda Road Court presided over by Chief Magistrate Ronald Kayiizi, who read six charges related to failing to pay due contributions, contrary to sections 11(1) & 44(2) of the NSSF Act cap 222.

Mugisha denied the charges slapped against him by the state, but Kayiizi did not allow him to apply for bail.

“I cannot entertain your bail application because I am not the trial magistrate handling your case. I am just sitting in for Winnie Nankya, who is currently indisposed,” Kayiizi said before remanding Mugisha to prison until September 5.

The chief magistrate’s decision was prompted by the state attorney Ivan Kyazze. Kyazze asked court not to consider Mugisha’s bail application, reasoning that they should wait for the trial magistrate to return- and that the suspect was brought to court after a warrant of arrest was issued against him.

“The suspect has on numerous occasions defied criminal summons that required him to appear in court to answer his charges until a warrant of arrest was issued on July 19, 2024 hence his appearance in court today,” Kyazze explained.

Prosecution led by Kyazze states that Mugisha, being the director of an eligible employer in Al Bayan Media Limited, during the month of January to December 2021 and January –December 2022 failed to remit social security fund totaling to about Shs264million.

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