Cissy Namujju holds massive thanksgiving fete in Lwengo after successful court bail

Cissy Namujju Thanksgiving

Lwengo, (UG):- In a show of overwhelming support, the Lwengo District Woman MP, Hon. Cissy Namujju, hosted a grand Thanksgiving event at her home in Lwengo in celebration of the recent bail she secured.

The Sunday afternoon gathering was marked by a massive turnout, with the number of attendees far exceeding the seating arrangements made for the occasion.

The day’s events began with a solemn church service at St. Jude in Kyazanga Parish, where a special mass was held to thank God for the bail. The service was graced by prominent religious and political figures, including a generous donation from a local businessman, Hajji Bulwadda, who contributed 30 million Ugandan shillings towards the ongoing construction of the church.

The thanksgiving celebration at Hon. Namujju’s residence attracted a diverse crowd, including fellow Members of Parliament such as Hon. Derrick Oroni, Hon. Muyanja Sentaayi, Hon. Minister Haruna Kasolo, and Hon. Pamela Kamugo Nasiyo, among others.

Local government leaders and supporters from across the district also attended in large numbers, further solidifying the MP’s strong connection with her constituents.

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Hon. Namujju expressed deep gratitude to her supporters and colleagues, particularly Hon. Pamela Kamugo Nasiyo and Hon. Muyanja Sentaayi, who she noted checked on her daily during her time in prison.

In her address, she thanked the people of Lwengo and her fellow Honourable members for their unwavering support during what she described as a challenging and trying period.

The outpouring of support did not end with kind words. Many attendees brought gifts for Hon. Namujju, ranging from livestock such as goats, cows, and hens, to other tokens of appreciation. The people of Lwengo were emphatic in their requests, urging Hon. Namujju to run for re-election in 2026, and pledging their continued backing for her leadership.

Hajji Bulwadda, in his address, vowed to support Hon. Namujju’s bid to retain her seat in the upcoming 2026 elections, promising to mobilize even more resources and supporters to ensure her victory.

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The event culminated with prayers at Hon. Namujju’s home, led by Pastor Zaake, with the participation of the District Khadi of Lwengo. The prayers were a symbol of the spiritual support that has accompanied Hon. Namujju throughout her legal battles, reflecting the strong faith of the community in her leadership.

This Thanksgiving event has underscored Hon. Namujju’s resilient spirit and the strong bond she shares with the people of Lwengo District. As she continues to fight the corruption charges, her supporters remain steadfast, rallying behind her with renewed energy and commitment as they look ahead to the 2026 elections.

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