Cindy talks being married in her house


The Ayokyayokya singer says she decided to stay the house she built to avoid suffering bad experiences from her past relationships.

As a woman…there is a time when you are younger when you get tired of moving from house to house while you are still dating,” she said.

You decide and say if someone loves me, they can move in here so that when they want to go, they don’t disturb me.”

She added, “I don’t think I want to be seen as Cindy, packing up my luggage that a man chased me from his house…let it be him who packs.

Prince Okuyo is currently out of the country on a working trip.

Asked if his long absence worries her, Cindy said she’s unbothered because her husbands values her.

“He knows what I bring to the table…other women can offer him crumbs, but he knows that I bring the full package,” she said

The Blu 3 superstar revealed that she and her husband are constantly in touch as the calls in daily to check on her and the kids.

The King herself” is a title and that title doesn’t come home with her” said Okuyo

Whatever you see out there is a brand and people don’t seem to differentiate between a brand and a brand carrier. At our home, that brand carrier is my wife.”

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