CCTV catches 4 stealing fabric worth GHC20,000 in Nima


A daring daylight theft in Nima has left a local shop owner devastated as four individuals, posing as customers, managed to steal over GHS20,000 worth of fabrics. The incident, which was captured in vivid detail on the shop’s CCTV system, involved three elderly women and a man in a calculated heist.

The video has since gone viral with social media users expressing disbelief.

“Nima is crazy i’m not surprised by this,” replied @CHAMP_OFFICIAL1

@AEmmanuel8998 also stated, “And sometimes I laugh 😆 when people point fingers on politicians, they were from our homes and neighbourhood. Our thievery attitude is making a lot of people unemployed, cus when you open business they same people crying for jobs will collapse it”

@ennkasa asserted, “Don’t let theft drain your profits! Create a loss prevention team to safeguard your store. By monitoring security cameras and swiftly responding to incidents, you can protect your hard-earned money and create valuable jobs. Being PROACTIVE is cheaper than this REACTIVE methods”

@DADDYSDOLLA also bemoaned, “When you stop dem from entering your shop with this kind of dressings 😂…they will be the same people to attack you or they will tell you that they won’t buy from your shop again na wo tr3 wo Hu dodo 😫”

Reports indicate that the suspect entered a student’s room while others were attending a programme at the school’s auditorium. The student present in the room acted quickly, leading to the suspect’s arrest.

In a surprising turn, the suspect was found in possession of not only the stolen laptop but also about eight phones and some flash drives when his bags were searched.

He was subsequently handed over to the police for further investigation.

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