BUYENDE: Man Steals 3 Crates of Beer to Start Own Bar, Arrested By Sniffer Dog

Waragi Thief

By Our Reporter




Waiswa Bungu will live to regret why the Uganda Police Force ever set up the K9 Unit, after one of the K9 Unit officers (Sniffer Dog) arrested him on Saturday, 24th August, 2024.


Bungu, a resident of Gwase Trading Center in Bugaya sub county, Buyende district had successfully burglarized a bar in the same locality belonging to a one Waiwe Stone, the previous night and made off with three crates of beer and cartons of waragi.


Bungu who probably prayed that this theft should be his last as he intended to set up a bar business within the same Trading Center using the proceeds of his theft, had his luck interrupted when Waiwe reported to police and a Canine was introduced to the scene.


According to ACP Ktuuma Rusoke, the police spokesperson, the Canine was deployed at the scene, leading to the arrest of Waiswa from whom all three crates of beer were recovered.


“Waiswa was also found attempting to start a bar at the location,” says Rusoke in a statement dated 26th August, 2024.

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