Butaleja PDM Leader Arrested over Extortion, Parish Chief Wanted

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By Weswa Ronnie




Butaleja’s Assistant RDC, Richard Kasozi, has arrested a Sacco leader for Parish Development Model, over extortion.


Baker Hasio, was arrested in Budumba sub county council hall on Wednesday, 2th September, 2024 when close to 50 people pinned him in the meeting that he squeezed close to 1M, in bribes for people to benefit from the Parish Development Model.


The natives of Mabale, Budumba sub county, led by Ronald Waya, the NRM leader for Mabale parish, and Mohammed Kagenda, the sub county’s Internal Security Officer reported to Mr. Kasozi that Baker Hasio and his executive members extorted much money from the citizens who applied for Parish Development Model in pretence that such money was for stationary and lunch for the officers.


Hasio was also accused of having confiscated some people’s National Identity cards, which he only returned to the owners at a cost upon getting the Parish development model cash. They further alleged that the Sacco leaders shamelessly opted to include several relatives in the system, including those, expected to return from Saudi Arabia soon.


Baker Hasio, and Ronald Hasulube, the general secretary, conceded that they received natives who tempted them with some money to feature on the list of the beneficiaries. They even apologized for the anomalies but later changed the language as they tried to deny.


It compelled the angry PDM applicants to present their evidence prompting the ARDC to order for Hasio’s arrest, and demanded that Emmanuel Hamba, the parish chief of Mabale, also reports to the office of RDC, tomorrow (Thursday) without fail.


Kasozi, said that he called for the meeting after a group of Budumba residents stormed his office and decried the gross extortion of money from the applicants for Parish development model. He reminded the natives that PDM is a loan, not a grant, which calls for a penalty once a person fails to pay back.


He cautioned the natives to desist from spending PDM cash on luxuries such as; eating meat, buying beddings and marrying women. He vowed to extend this crusade to other parts of Butaleja, affirming that Parish model business has been largely messed up adding that whoever will be proved guilty over extortion shall be arrested.


Stephen Were, the Butaleja focal person of PDM, in the meeting revealed that “Government released 500,000=, for each parish, for stationary and internet (Data), to help feed the names into the system.


Were also urged the beneficiaries not to use PDM cash for clearing up the debts; and concluded stating that the government ordered for the capture of the people who so far got the money, in the system for accountability, hence the delays for the cash withdrawal apparently.


Meanwhile, Ronald Mugoya, the Acting district commercial officer, advised the citizens not to change the Sacco leadership because it may affect the process of achieving Parish development model, for 3 Months.

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