Butaleja District Council ‘Fires’ Newly Appointed Assistant RDCS

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By Weswa Ronnie




Butaleja District Council has passed a resolution to have the two newly appointed Assistant RDCs transferred to other stations to first gain experience.


The District council sitting on Tuesday, 28th, August, 2024, accused the assistant RDCs for not knowing where their boundaries end while conducting their work and disrespecting councilors.


The two Assistant RDCs are Jimmy Nambiro and Richard Kasozi who the District Council asked to be transferred with immediate effect.


However, Sister Mary Akiror, the assistant head of the RDC Secretariat at the State House disagreed with Butaleja district council resolutions.


While speaking to the Media on Wednesday, 28th August at Mbale City RCC’s Office, Sister Akiror said that council resolutions have nothing to do with the transfer of Assistant RDCs.


She says that it’s only the appointing authority which has power on those assistant RDCs in terms of transfer, appointment or disappointment.


Akiror urged the Assistant RDCs to work with their seniors in terms of promoting government programs as they were told during the recent orientation exercise they underwent at Kyakwanzi.

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