Busoga Kingdom wants report on girl allegedly gang-defiled by Buyende policemen

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Busoga Kingdom authorities and Uganda’s First Deputy Prime Minister and minister of East African Community Affairs, Rebecca Kadaga, are demanding “a detailed report on the alleged defilement of a 16-year-old girl by policemen during the annual Kagulu Rock Climbing challenge in Buyende District on August 17.”

The victim, whose names are withheld since she is a minor, last week said her long-cherished moment to see the Kyabazinga Gabula Nadiope IV were darkened after three policemen came into her proximity.

The girl maintains that she was gang-defiled by two of the three officers as she had gone with her brother for pre-day activities (kasiki). Some unruly youth stormed the pavilion and disrupted the event, prompting police to fire live bullets and teargas to disperse them.

While fleeing home at around 4am, the girl says, she was reportedly stopped by three policemen who offered to guide her home, but she was instead defiled.

Speaking at the Kyabazinga’s tenth coronation anniversary at Bukungu Primary School in Buyende District on September 13, Kadaga said: “I want a detailed report on that unfortunate event at the kingdom’s event.”

Kadaga, who spoke to the mother and victim, offered psychosocial support to the family and took over the teenager’s education needs up to post-secondary and made an assurance that justice will be done.

She asked the children affairs minister to visit the victim’s family.

Earlier, Busoga North police spokesperson Michael Kasadha said: “Samples were taken and are already at our analytical laboratory. The challenge we had at first, was that the victim couldn’t identify the suspects; that’s why we took the scientific route. We shall keep you updated.”

Busoga’s gender and children affairs minister Dr Joyce Abaliwano urged public awareness to eliminate gender-based violence as well as promoting sexual reproductive health and rights.

The alleged crime, which was being kept under wraps, was brought to the fore by Buyende Assistant Resident District Commissioner Emmanuel Kabenge at a stakeholders’ meeting on September 6.

During the meeting, Mr Kabenge said: “I condemn the incident in which a young girl and pupil was gang-defiled by security personnel during the annual Kagulu climbing challenge graced by the fountain of honour in Busoga, the Kyabazinga.”

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