Business in Kasese Town paralysed as River Nyamwamba floods again – The Kampala Report



Business and movements in Kasese municipality were on Saturday paralyzed after River Nyamwamba burst its banks leading to flooding in major parts of the town.

The most affected roads and areas include; Mboghoyabo, Bihande and Henry Bwambale roads in Kisanga cell, Nyamwamba Division.  The others are a section of Kasese-Fort Portal High Way and Bataka Road in Saluti Cell, Gaz and Kobil fuel stations also flooded leading to the suspension of business.

One person is reported to have drowned after falling in a flooded drainage along the Fort Portal-Kasese highway.

Kabugho Maryline a trader in Mawa Market says she was on her stall around 9:00 am when they suddenly saw streams of water entering the market area.

Several traders fled while others found high grounds to place their products and hoped the waters would subdue.

“We were taken by surprise but we hope the waters will go down as the day progresses…” Kabugho noted.

Umar Baluku, who is renting in Mubuzi Cell said the water entered their premises at around 9:00 am and several household properties that were on the ground have been destroyed.

Kasese town has been prone to flooding.  In May, the community was put in panic after water entered their homes in the night after River Nyamwamba burst its banks.

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