Burial arrangements for Tamale Mirundi released



On Saturday, August 17, at 9:00 A.M., the funeral procession will head to his ancestral village in Kalagala, Kaliisizo, Rakai District, where a final mass will be held. Tamale Mirundi will be laid to rest on Sunday, August 18.

“I am deeply saddened by the passing of my friend and brother, Tamale Mirundi. We shared a friendship and professional relationship spanning over 20 years. He was a courageous and outspoken individual who tirelessly fought for the truth,” General Kainerugaba expressed in a heartfelt post on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday morning.

He added, “Uganda has lost a true patriot who loved his country dearly. May his soul rest in peace.”

Joseph Tamale Mirundi, a former presidential press secretary and advisor on media matters, passed away on Tuesday night at the age of 59. He reportedly succumbed to lung-related complications around 11:40 P.M. at Kisubi Hospital in Kampala, where he had been receiving treatment for over a month.

Family sources indicate that although Mirundi’s health had shown signs of improvement earlier in the week, his condition deteriorated rapidly on Tuesday. Medical reports reveal that he had been suffering from fluid accumulation in his lungs, which doctors were draining. However, during the procedure on Tuesday, blood was extracted instead of fluid, leading to further complications.

Mirundi served as President Yoweri Museveni’s press secretary until his dismissal in July 2015, a role he held for approximately 13 years. In 2019, Mirundi disclosed that he had been poisoned, though it remains uncertain whether he fully recovered from the incident.

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