Bunyoro hosts Education Policy Review Commission (EPRC) officials over Govt White Paper

Bunyoro Kitara kingdom hosts officials from Education Policy Review Commission EPRC

Hoima, (UG):- Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom (BKK) Monday hosted officials from the Education Policy Review Commission (EPRC) over the ongoing review of the Government White Paper on Education 1992 which will result in making relevant recommendations that will put in place a new macro policy framework for education and sports in Uganda.

According to Commissioner Dr. Kedrace Turyagenda who headed the delegation, EPRC is in the process of receiving policy issues in the education and sports sector from stakeholders who include: public entities, institutions of learning and schools, cultural institutions, foundation bodies of educational institutions, local governments, umbrella organizations and citizens of Uganda.

The Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom team that interacted with the Commission included Prime Minister Owek. Andrew Byakutaga Ateenyi, the Chairperson of the Royal Commission, Omujwarakondo Dr Kabagambe Kalisa, Dr Yolamu Nsamba, the Secretary to the Royal Commission and a team of Kingdom Staff Headed by Mr. Katusabe Alex the BKK Chief Administrative Secretary.

Owek. Andrew Byakutaga Ateenyi called on the Commission and government to create strict standards in the education sector and prioritise supervision in schools for better results.

The Premier expressed concern over the expensive education in the country which many people can no longer afford. He proposed the need to regulate the several school requirements worth millions of shillings that schools demand from learners.

The Chairman Royal Commission, Omujwarakondo Dr Kabagambe Kalisa advised the commission to prioritise using ICT in monitoring and supervision in schools. He suggested setting up a standard framework that manages the private and public schools.

The Secretary Royal Commission, Owek. Dr Yolamu Nsamba tasked the commission to revise the materials used in schools noting that most of the current materials used are aimed at brainwashing children.

He asked the commission to regulate media content that targets killing culture in school-going children and introduce them to foreign cultures and vices such as homosexuality.

Mr. Katusabe Alex, the BKK Chief Administrative Secretary recommended for recruitment of adequate teachers to curb the current human resource gaps among the teaching staff.

The team from the Commission included; Commissioner Ms. Irene Nanfuka Rusoke, Commissioner Brighton Barugahare, Commissioner Y. K. Nsubuga, Secretary to the Commission Ms. Prisca Boonabante, Communication Officer Agnes Asulo, Policy Analyst Kasemire Proscovia, Mr Sali Nobert, & Atugonza Rashid the commission support staff.

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